Legal Services for
Business Planning
Business Formation for Closely Held Companies
If you are just starting out in business, one of the most important issues is to choose how to structure your business entity for tax planning and estate planning purposes. As Massachusetts business attorneys, we will assist you in selecting the type of entity and the business formation of your company.
The legal structure of your business entity will determine who is in charge, your taxes, your exposure to potential liabilities and the protection of your firm’s assets, as well as your personal wealth. We will help you:
- Draft corporate bylaws and prepare related filings
- Design general and limited partnership and Limited Liability Company (LLC) agreements
- Structure and file papers on behalf of your corporation, limited liability corporation (LLC) or partnership
- Plan the succession of your business to your heirs, business partners or trusted employees
- Assist with buy-sell agreements, including cross purchase and stock redemption agreements
- Assist you in forming your nonprofit foundation
- Incorporate your business objectives into your estate plan
Business Succession Planning
When a business owner is planning for retirement or even death, many questions often arise about whether to leave his or her interest to a business owner, key employee or to keep the business interest in the family.
Buy/Sell Agreements Protect Your Interests
Do you have a buy/sell agreement in place to make sure that your interest or a partner’s interest is valued properly and does not pass to unintended people, i.e spouses, children or disabled persons? While you may have chosen the partner(s) with whom you run your business, if he or she unexpectedly dies or becomes disabled, will your new partner be his or her spouse or the guardian of his or her children? With a properly drafted buy/sell agreement, these issues will be addressed to insure that your interests are properly valued and planned.
Business Succession Options to Consider
A number of business succession planning options exist to protect your interests, as well as those of family members and business partners. Our experience in estate planning and business law allow us to help people create business entities to protect their businesses and their assets, including limited liability companies (LLC), corporations, limited partnerships (LLP) and other business entities. We will create company agreements to plan for the continuous management of a business, in the event of an unexpected death or disability.
With our business succession planning services, we will develop a plan for the protection of your business as a component of your complete estate plan and help you minimize your tax liabilities, whenever possible. As our business client, you will benefit from our law firm’s ability to provide business and tax planning, including buy/sell agreements and services in conjunction with estate planning services.

Contact Us
Complete our online form to Schedule a Free Consultation or call Baker Law Group at 781-996-5656 or 800-701-0352 to set up a confidential meeting. Consultations are available by phone or at one of our offices in Hingham, Plymouth, Brockton, and Holliston.