Veterans Care and
Elder Law
Veteran Eligibility for Pension Benefits
Veterans and their spouses who are permanently and totally disabled, or who are also 65 or older, may be eligible for monetary support if they have 90 days or more of active military service, at least one day of which was during a period of the following wars:
World War I
April 6, 1917, through November 11, 1918
*For those veterans who served in the Soviet Union during this time, the service date is extended to April 1, 1920
World War II
December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946
Korean War
“June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955
Vietnam War
Aug 5, 1964 through May 7, 1975
*For those veterans who served “in country” before Aug 5, 1964, the service date is February 28, 1961
Gulf War
August 2, 1990 [Through-date: To be determined]
Aid and Attendance Benefit
Those disabled Veterans eligible for the Aid and Attendance benefit include veterans with the inability to feed oneself, to dress and undress without assistance, or to take care of one’s own bodily needs. People who are bedridden or need help adjusting to special prosthetic or orthopedic devices may also be eligible, as well as those who have a physical or mental injury or illness that requires regular assistance to protect them from hazards or dangers in their daily environment.
Amount of Veteran Pension Benefits
Veteran, Surviving Spouse, Married Couple
A veteran is eligible for up to $1,788 per month, while a surviving spouse is eligible for up to $1,149 per month and married couple is eligible for up to $2,120 per month. Congress adjusts these figures annually, and they are therefore subject to change.
For December 2019 to November 2020, here’s how Veteran Pension Benefits break down on an annual and monthly basis:
Single Veteran without Dependent Children
Married Veteran
Widow or Widower of Veteran
****Rates effective 12/2019 and are subject to change. Please see the Department of Veterans Affairs website for specifics.
Contact Us
Complete our online form to Schedule a Free Consultation or call Baker Law Group at 781-996-5656 or 800-701-0352 to set up a confidential meeting. Consultations are available by phone or at one of our offices in Hingham, Plymouth, Brockton, and Holliston.